What font is used for the title? Neuropol
What font is used for the title? Neuropol
How large is the title? 145pt.
What color is the title? White
Where is the placement of the title? Centered
Top stories
How many top stories does the magazine have? 2
Top stories
How many top stories does the magazine have? 2
What font is used? Corbel
What color is the font? Black & White
Where is the font placed on the page and how large is the text? Right under the title, 145pt.
Sub Stories:
How many top stories does the magazine have? 2
Sub Stories:
How many top stories does the magazine have? 2
What font is used? Corbel
What color is the font? Red/Orange and Yellow/White
Where is the font placed on the page and how large is the text? Above the title, 30pt.